Teachers Are Central To Sustainable Change in the DRC.

Mr. Omally Pombo

“Teaching is important to me not only because it is my vocation but also because teaching transforms the teacher. It can inspire change to customs and culture.

Congo is a country in the process of development. It must evolve. Education is the basis of all development.”

Mr. Chancard Mpasi

“Education is important for many reasons:

  • To train a child about his/her body, mind, and soul

  • To encourage students to flourish and be problem solvers in their community.

  • To instill a lifelong love of learning and understanding of the value of collaboration.

Teaching becomes most impactful when teachers and students work together to create stronger community!”

Mr. Danny Wadiese Ngoy

“Education is a vector of change.

Education is fundamental to improve the quality of life for Congolese; to fight poverty and create opportunity.

Education is an essential tool for economic, social, and cultural development for all Congolese, young and old.”