Our Partners

Organizational and individual donors generously contribute toward programming, professional capacity, and development.

  • Arthur and Gertrude Nielsen Foundation.

  • The Brabson Library and Education Foundation

  • Capital Group

  • Culver Foundation

  • Gegax Foundation

  • HC Gemmer Family Christian Foundation

  • JabuAfrica

  • Power of One Foundation

  • Trinity Episcopal Church, Bloomington, IN

  • The West Foundation

  • International Foundation

  • Rotary Club of Indianapolis

  • U.S. Embassy/Kinshasa

  • The Lerch Family

Will you join us?

This incredible community is composed of generous, passionate, and determined people - like you - from around the world. They’re world changers and history makers. We’re sure you’ll fit right in.


“I was so moved by the fact that Malembe Rise is focused on a grassroots approach -- providing skills and resources to existing schools and teachers, rather than a bunch of westerners coming in and taking over. Their approach really matched my professional experience in implementation research where we want programs and practices to last in real world environments, not to stop the minute that outside funding stops. This is EXACTLY what Malembe Rise is all about. The staff doing the majority of the work are Congolese.”

— Angie R.

“I believe in Malembe Rise’s work because it invests in people, not projects. It invests in the youth of the DRC by enriching the country’s education system with the teaching of leadership skills that will enable rising generations to lead their own communities out of poverty. It assigns the responsibility of African development to the Africans who know their communities best.”

— Danielle O.

“As a teacher myself, I believe in the power of education. It is an honor to be a part of this organization that empowers Congolese students to take the knowledge learned within the walls of the classroom and apply it to the world in which they live.”

— Rebecca S.

“It is always a privileged position to come into a team and hear, capture and tell the stories I see. The Club of Leaders is inspiring. In a world so saturated with “Influencers”, I loved seeing these young students influencing the people around them in a healthy and positive way. Their confidence and ability to stand in front of a group and inspire people is something special and is a real credit to the teachers, leaders, and mentors who have helped them. 

I travel and visit many interesting and remarkable people in many places. Still, I can not remember seeing anything like the Club of Leaders and the positive impact these young people have on their peers and community. I want to commend you all for your work and encourage you to continue through the good times and the challenges. Always remember those times you spent in Kinshasa and use them as fuel to keep up the work and to know you are helping to bring lasting and meaningful change to the future leaders of Congo.”

— Ryan C.