Louis J. Calli, M.D.


Co-founder Dr. Louis J. Calli, Jr. is a cardiologist in private practice in Bloomington, Indiana. He received a BS in 1968 at Johns Hopkins University and an MD in 1972 from John Hopkins Medical School.  Besides his private practice, Dr. Calli is also a Clinical Associate Professor at Indiana University Medical School and co-founder with his wife, Ann Marie, of Malembe Rise.

“Once you travel to Congo and see the remarkable spirit of the people our course was set. Congo is the richest country on earth in raw materials yet the people are the poorest. The future of this country is with the next generation and our goal is to educate youth to be those agents of change”

His interests range from international medical education to environmental activism. When asked why he chose to support education in DRC through Malembe Rise, he said:

“Dreams in Congo often die and I felt that education would allow Congolese youth to continue to dream and realize those dreams.”